It’s Dynamo’s 10th birthday. Here’s the program !

This year our Nancy-city bike repair workshop gets to blow its 10 candles. A no-miss opportunity to give the bicycle a cheerful celebration and for all those wonderful people who have pepped up the project for so many years to rally and party.

Sure, we wanted to mark the occasion and make a friendly and mighty moment of it, so that it remains as a fond memory for all cyclists.

Throughout the month of June you are welcome to take part in our activities centered around 4 main themes : « the bicycle in the city » , « Bicycle trips », « bicycle workshops », « bicycle and re-use », not to mention the cherry on the cake : Dynamo’s birthday fiesta on Saturday 8 July. Right in the middle of the Universal Velorution happening at the former Brewery in Maxéville. (Click on the picture for more info).


The more the merrier. Come with your friends and do pass the word around and share the info broadly. Here the poster and the programme. (click on the pictures underneath for a digital version) They’ll be available on paper from 20 May at Dynamo’s. Don’t hesitate to come around and fetch them there and put them up in all the places where you think there’s a place for them, including your window, your bike, everywhere !